Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Jesus Has Risen" p. 70 Teaching a Song in Just a Few Weeks

I became the singing time leader in mid February this year. I realized the kids didn't yet know the song they were supposed to have learned that month--some didn't know it at all. So I was focused on that. Then I turned the calendar a few weeks later and realized just how close Easter was--at the end of March. So I asked around about what the kids already might know for them to sing for Easter in Sacrament. (I had moved in recently. I still struggle with knowing what songs to pick so the kids will know them.)
I was told, "Jesus Has Risen" p. 70. I stole an idea from a chorister in Provo.

Materials: a printout of the words of "Jesus Has Risen," with each phrase cut separately

Instructions: Explain that in order to learn a great song really fast, we were going to create our own motions. I handed a phrase of the song to each class and had their teachers help them plan an action for each. I also explained that while we were doing actions to help us learn, we would not be doing them in Sacrament meeting. After a few minutes, with me walking around and asking if we were all doing okay? and if anyone needed help, I asked for the phrases in order. We did the first phrase, singing and actions, and then I asked for the second, and we did them together. Repeat until you're singing the entire song.

Note: I only had 1 paper for the line "Jesus has risen" even though you sing it 3 times and we did the same action each time.

Pros: This really helped the kids learn the song quickly. By week 2 they were confident, while I think flip charts and pictures can make kids rely on them and more fearful of memorizing (and we didn't have time for that)

Cons: When I set each class off by themselves, things got crazy. I had only been there 3 weeks and was still trying to earn their respect, and this didn't help. In retrospect, small group work is harder to control than having the entire class doing one thing. When management is already a bit hairy, this can be hard to do. However, I saw it work fine in another primary, and the next week things were a lot better. I can probably repeat this if I want now since the kids know me better.

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