Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mother, Tell Me the Story p. 204

How I taught it in just a few minutes with no props:
I told the kids to use their imaginations that it was night time and they were almost ready to sleep. Their mom or dad might put them to bed, but imagine this time that it's your mom.
Now sing for them the song, with hand motions.
I taught the kids' part with hand motions:

Mother tell me the story that I love to hear pretend to hold a book
Tell me of heaven and why I came here --symbolize heaven with jazz hands making a rainbow overhead
Mother, tell how you love me--cross arms in front of chest, explain it's sign language for love
and gently speak--hold 2 fingers in front of your mouth
And then I'll go to sleep--mime going to sleep

We have been learning "He Sent His Son" p. 34 and, because my ward music coordinator loves to know things in advance, I asked if the kids could sing this song for Easter. How on the ball am I?
She immediately asked what my plans were for Mother's Day and Father's Day.
My first thought? Ha!

But after my first shock, I actually started to plan.

This year's theme for Primary is "Families Are Forever."

Keeping this in mind, I noticed the song, "Mother, Tell Me the Story" p. 204. For those unfamiliar, it's 2 part. The child's part and the mother's part.

Here's the plan:
     Mother's Day-- Have the kids sing just their part. The verse is pretty on its own and the moms will love it!

     The Primary Program-- Ask the moms to learn the parent verse to sing with their kids. How exciting will it be to have the moms sing with their kids for the "Families Are Forever" program?!

Yes, I will try hard to get all the moms to sing with their kids, no matter if they are strong singers or not.

Introducing the song:
Explain to the kids that in the next song we will be pretending. Invite them to imagine that it's night and they are going to bed, but they want their mom to put them to bed. Some nights their dads put them to bed, but tonight, imagine it's their mom.*

Before singing the song for Mother's Day, you should also very quickly explain to the congregation that this is a song where the children are imagining their mother's putting them to bed. (The last line is "Tell how you love me and gently speak, and then I'll go to sleep.")

*Give care to children who don't have their mother's at home

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