Saturday, July 13, 2013

When I Am Baptized p. 102

Most of the kids really know this one already, I discovered when I taught it. But I had been tricky and used it as the closing song the week before to test the waters, and only about half the kids sang it then.
Here's what I did.

Materials: several pieces of chalk, chalkboard that rolls

Instructions: I wrote the first letter of each word to the song on the rolling chalk board down low, EXCEPT a key word from each line. Then I left a big box there. and wrote that word at the bottom.
The first line looked like this:

ILTLF (box with "rainbows" written in the bottom).

Then I asked for artists to come up and draw the key words (Rainbows, Rain, Ponder, Earth--that was for verse 1). I showed them how to read the first letters, and then we sang it through.

The Pros: This was easy and the kids liked to come up and draw on the board. Because they are chalk drawings, it encouraged kids to go fast.

The Cons: It was a "I'm going to choose a few people to participate while everyone else gets to watch" activity. Also, the first week I tried this I put it on the chalk board in the back and some of the boxes were too high for the kids to reach even on chairs. But putting it on the rolling chalkboard helps it be close enough to the kids that they can see the pictures even down low.

Another idea that I wish I did, but never found the materials:
I wanted to make a rain stick for this song! How cool would that have been? But I couldn't find a round heavy cardboard tube. But I keep my eyes peeled for one and I can always add it in later.
And, yes, the post office didn't have one. There's are all square. But thinking now, maybe a square rain stick would be cool too.
Directions to make one:
And while the directions look good, I probably would decorate it differently :) This woman let her 2 year old do it.

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