Friday, July 12, 2013

Families Can Be Together Forever, week 2

Materials: Flip chart for this song (found here.) Ziplock bag of toys (I used props that I had just used for another activity), bean bag, picture of a temple

Object Lesson (no credit should go to me. I borrowed this)
Instructions: show that the Ziplock bag is open.
"If I turn this bag of (props) over, what will happen to them?"
(They'll fall on the floor)
"How can I make sure they stay together? Yes, I need to zip it up and SEAL the zipper."
Now turn the bag over and shake.
"Can you unseal the zipper? Yes, but I know a different kind of sealing that works to keep families together forever. Were does this SEALING happen? Yes, the temple. (Point to temple picture) And whose power is it that seals families together? (The priesthood power, God's power)

I am thankful for my family because:
After reviewing the words, tell the kids that as they sing, they have to watch me. As they sing the song, they are going to be passing a bean bag around, making sure it gets to everyone. Whenever I hold up the picture of the temple, they need to stop singing (make sure the pianist can see you so they can stop too). Then whoever is holding the bean bag gets to share 1 reason why they are thankful for their family.

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