Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mother, I Love You

This activity can be used for any song that has a word that repeats several times. I used it for "Mother, I Love You" p. 207
Materials: extra chairs on the ends of each row (theoretically you only need them on 1 side of each row, but it was simpler to be on both sides)

Instructions: Have the kids sing "Mother, I Love You" and tell them before hand to count how many times you sing the word "I." Write the number on the board. We'll get back to that.
Ask the kids to make sure that there is an extra chair on the ends of their rows. Explain to teachers that the kids are going to be moving from chair to chair and if the teachers don't want to participate, they need to move to the aisles. (And, yes, it's lots of fun to see which teachers are game for this).
Then explain that every time every time you sing the word "I," you're going to move 1 chair over, first left, then right, then left, then right. (I pointed each time to help).

Pros: This one really had the kids' attention. Also, it was surprisingly reverent. The kids have singing time after individual classes which is after Sacrament meeting, so they always have energy. In fact, they behaved well after because it wore them out a little.

Cons: I didn't have any problems with this one.

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