Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Clothespin Carnival Game

Materials Needed: colored clothespins (I used colored Sharpies to color mine), a heavy mug or jar with a wide mouth, a chair, chalk and blackboard

Instructions: Write the names of the 5 songs you want to practice today on the board, each with a color next to it that corresponds to a clothespin. Choose 1 child to kneel on the chair backwards and then drop clothespins into the jar from the height. Tell them the clothespin MUST be touching the tip of their nose when they let go (in order to make kids aim from a tall height). Of the clothespins that make it in, the child can then pick 1 song that we'll sing next (if they get red and blue in, they can pick either the red or blue song. But the can't pick the yellow song).
For smaller kids (about 6 and under) I let them stand in front of the jar leaning over instead of having them on the chair.

Pros: It was a new way to pick songs and the materials were easy. Also, it was lots of fun. The kids were really interested in trying the activity and wanting to get in certain colors more than others. The kids also really supported each other, wanting the person up front to succeed.
Cons: The activity was fun and I'd do it again, but it's not as good as activities that occur while singing or are directly related to scripture or doctrine.

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