Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Blindfolded Listener

Blindfolds are always fun.

Materials: Blindfold (I used a scarf, but it got really hot. I'll have to use something else next time), pictures that go with the song you're singing.

Instructions: I explained to the kids that I was going to do an activity with a blindfold. We needed someone who thought they knew all the words to a song. They would go out of the room and we would secretly pick 1 picture (that corresponds to a line of the song). Then they would come back in and be blindfolded. We would sing every line of the song through EXCEPT the line for the picture we had picked. Our pianist during this line added to it by playing just the melody and no accompaniment. (I didn't ask for this, but it was a great  idea)
Then was the challenge. Without taking off the blindfold to see the pictures, could the Blindfolded Listener tell us the words we skipped?
We decided to trick some older kids when it was their turns by picking more than one picture and seeing how they fared.

Pros: It made the one blindfolded (and even the others) think really hard about the words. Also, we sang the same song lots of times, but it was still fun.

Cons: The blindfold was hot. I'll have to use something different next time. Also, the instructions are a little complicated, but the kids understood after we got started.

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