Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Find the Frog

Activity time: as long or as short as you want it. The kids love this one in my primary and will play it forever.
Supplies: a stuffed animal (in my case, a frog) or an action figure or paper cut out of a shape. I know primaries that use action figures of Nephi or Moroni, which is great for tying the activity into scriptures.

This game is easy and most primaries do it: you have 1 child go out into the hall and then pick another child to hide the stuffed animal frog. Then the child in the hall returns and tries to find it while everyone sings. It's a game of hot and cold--the closer the child gets, the louder the kids sing. The farther away, the softer. It helps to direct so your pianist can see so they can do dynamics too.

Pros: This game is great for getting kids to practice the same song over and over again (which helps them learn words for the primary program). Also, it's really simple, inexpensive, and fun. The kids love to be picked to help for this game and I tell them I watch for good singers to be picked next. That really makes them sing well.

Cons: Sometimes the kids can get irreverant because they are so excited. I talk to them about it and if they're hyper I do a reverent song with them with no game to quiet them for the next part of primary.

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