Monday, July 1, 2013

All Find the Frog Singing Time, a reflection

We had a fifth Sunday and so the presidency generously gave to me all 45 minutes for singing time. We hadn't played their favorite game, hot and cold called Find the Frog, in a little while. I figured this would be a good thing to do to review all the songs we've learned so far for the program. Plus they love it.
I posted picture reminders for all the songs (that really took awhile to set up before primary), and then we dived right in.
The Pros: We covered most of our songs, even stopping to work on timing on the last line to If the Savior Stood Beside Me. The kids would sing out in hopes of being chosen next to either find or hide the frog next game. I could tell there were some words the kids really knew. Also, despite some rowdiness, I think the kids had a really good time.

The Cons: The kids got somewhat rowdy. Part of this was that there was a special 5th Sunday combined meeting for the adults, so we only had 3 adults in primary, since the bishop wanted all the adults possible to attend that meeting. Also, whenever I stopped to do something else not involving the frog, the kids got impatient. I did threaten to take away the game if the kids didn't shape up, and that got them really focused.

Next Time: I think I will start everything else, and then bring out the frog game, instead of  bringing it out first. Also, I may want to use choosing sticks with the kids' names on them to pick to make it fair. I say "may" because at the beginning just choosing the good singers worked really well. But by the end I ended up having to ask, "Who hasn't gotten a turn with the frog yet?" And it's not like the younger ones could even remember correctly. Also, I would like to do some wiggle songs/activities before starting to make kids more tired since hot and cold actually requires little movement from the group.

So any ideas from your own experiences?

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