Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back to School week

The older kids were looking a little bored last week, so I decided to change it up a bit.
This week I wrote Aa Bb Cc on the board and brought some things in for a back to school theme.
After the welcome song, I told them that this week was school themed and that I needed to look more like a teacher. Right then and there I put my hair up in a silly, loose bun, stuffed it with pencils, and donned little framed glasses which I wore WAY down on my nose. I wish I had brought a shawl.
Me as a "teacher," getting them ready for school to start.

I asked the a volunteer to pick out of my school objects the one that represented recess, because they'd been working hard at church so far and deserved some recess!
He picked a ball and then we sang a wiggle song as recess.
Next I said that we had to do some cutting, just like we do in school, and could someone pick out the correct school object?
She picked the scissors. I told the "students" that we were going to cut, not paper, but that the scissors were a symbol. I told the kids that we were all going to stand and sing and my helped was going to find the very very best singer and CUT them from singing--that means that they have to sit down and the rest of us will have to finish without our best singers. (I sent her 4 times in the song to cut someone).
After that, running out of time since we started singing time by going into RS and singing I Like to Look for Rainbows for them, we only had time for 1 more.
I asked a volunteer to pick our class pet. It was the frog and we played Find the Frog (directions here) together.

I also had an eraser that we could have used to "erase" words from one of our songs. We didn't get that far.

Pros: The kids thought it was funny when I dressed up. The teachers may have thought it was funnier. Also, they were interested in practicing the same songs for the program, that we really need to learn.

Cons: Maybe just that I did have volunteers so some kids wanted a turn and didn't get them. But I really didn't have any problems today.

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