Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some of you get to be turkeys... A November singing time

On my hand turkey, I had actually written a clue for each song on each feather and the head. Before each song I let the kids guess what each clue meant.
ex. BoM was Book of Mormon Stories
ex. Head was Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Materials: a turkey picture (I just drew a hand turkey on the board with chalk), a bag/envelope with the following papers inside
--wearing red
--wearing blue
--wearing black
--blue eyes
--brown eyes
--green eyes

Instructions: I told the kids that today I would pick some kids to be turkeys. Now turkeys don't really know the words to the songs: they only know one word. Everyone who is not a turkey sings all the song, but the turkeys sit quietly and then sing only the one word. (at this point all the kids were raising their hands, hoping to be turkeys).
Then I told them my envelope would tell me who the turkeys would be. I drew a slip from the envelope

(If I picked the blue eyes one, the children with blue eyes are turkeys).

Then I picked a word from the song, example "asleep" in "Away in a Manger," and that is the only word the turkeys sing. I also had them put their hands up on their chins when they sang the word, to look like the... thing that hangs off a turkey's neck. 

We sang each song through a few times, picking new turkeys and words each time.

Pros: The kids loved being declared turkeys. How surprising is that?! Also, this was a good activity to review a set of songs each a few times.

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